Blog & FAQs

Useful information, news and articles for every part of the body
Blog & FAQs
Защо са важни обувките? | ОРТОТЕХ
Why are shoes important? How to choose comfortable shoes?

The connecting element between our walking body and the surface that we walk on are the shoes. During our day, we mostly wear shoes.

Why wear orthopedic shoes?

Deformations in our foot are not rare; this is why we should pay attention while choosing our shoes besides that, they are an essential factor for the comfort and health of our feet.

Как да поддържам моята шина чиста и хигиенична? | ОРТОТЕХ
How do I keep my splint clean?

Especially with the current importance of personal hygiene, we have gathered all of the best advice for keeping your splint perfectly clean.

Децата и техните обувки | ОРТОТЕХ Блог
Children and their shoes

The shoe protects the child’s feet from its surrounding environment and is also a part of their outfit. That is why, as parents, we have to find appropriate shoes for our children.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you need more information? The Orthoteh team has tried to select the most asked questions from customers about the products and services offered.